Plant Based Meal Plans
You want to be healthy and happy but following a plant based diet can be intimidating. It’s not always easy to ensure that you are getting the correct nutrition, I understand that. It’s only natural to worry about being hungry, choosing unhealthy snacks, or if you are really getting enough protein? However, empowered with the right knowledge from an experienced and qualified professional, you can thrive on a plant based diet and join the movement to make the world a better place!
I help those who want to follow a plant based diet by providing tailored designed plant based meal plans enabling them to save time, increase meal variety, and be confident that they are meeting their nutritional needs.
Be completely confident in your plant based nutrition and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, sustainable and cruelty-free lifestyle now!
Areas of specialities
Veganism is an absolute passion for Jenny! Jenny has been vegan for 4 years and lead a vegetarian life for 13 years previously to going vegan. Food is often found to present the biggest challenge to people making the switch to an animal-free diet; however clothes, personal products and household items can contribute to the complexity that some people can face. Jenny provides individual nutritional plans and support to those wishing to transition to a vegan lifestyle or simply help current vegans optimise their diets.
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The recommendations and supplements Jenny advised made an incredible difference to my day-to-day life.

I knew that I was in safe hands with Jenny’s diet and herbal recommendations.

I highly recommend Jenny to anybody who has a vested interest in their health (both physical and mental) and their overall wellbeing.

I cannot thank Jenny enough for inspiring me and giving me the tools and knowledge I needed to take charge of my own health.

She’ll open up your eyes to a whole new way of managing and improving your well-being.
Health From Home Naturally Naturopathic Notebook
Believed to be over 2 billion years old, Spirulina is considered the most popular superfood earning its name within the modern household for good reason. This freshwater blue-green cyanobacterium was originally consumed by the Aztecs and Mayans. It is the only supergreen that contains all 22 essential amino acids necessary for daily function, comprising 60% of its nutritional profile